


  • n.〈英方〉咆哮
  • 网络公猪;咧着嘴笑;咧著嘴笑
  • 变形

    过去分词:girned 现在分词:girning 第三人称单数:girns



    Design and Performance of Generalized Interconnection Networks
    A distributed thermal model for calculating soil temperature profiles and depth of thaw in permafrost regions
    Herbivory as a canopy process in rain forest trees.
    Influences of atmospheric transport pathways on radionuclide activities in aerosol particles from over the North Atlantic
    Hormone secretion by preimplantation embryos in a dynamic in vitro culture system
    An Object Oriented Framework for Task Scheduling
    Degradation Product Analysis for Polymeric Dielectric Materials Exposed to Partial Discharges
    The effects of LSD-25 on creativity and tolerance to regression
    Hydraulic Impact of Flow Regulation on the Peace-Athabasca Delta
    Selective Review and Analysis of Aging Effects in Biometric System Implementation